Pick & Pack Order Systems
An Axiom designed, built and installed solution that will boost your productivity and increase efficiency.
How to improve your order despatch
An automated Pick & Pack Order System from Axiom will greatly improve the efficiency of 3pl, fulfilment and D2C warehouse packing and despatch of orders. By allowing efficient wave picking of product from bulk stock, the Axiom Pick & Pack Order System will associate the product with customer’s orders; add collateral and advice notes where required, and package into environmentally conscious packaging.
All the while, the cell will keep live updating data to your WMS, allowing easy management of order flow, even cancellation of orders to the point of application of the despatch label. The system WCS is designed and programmed in-house at Axiom.
Key Features:
- Gives efficient order processing with full control from order pick to dispatch
- 1500 products per hour capacity
- Full customer order tracking from loading to dispatch
- Servo indexing conveyors
- Pocketed conveyor positions
- Availability of advice note printing & merging
- Collateral feed options:
- Advertising
- SIM cards for home-tech & mobile cells
- Instruction manuals
- WCS system allows full integration to the customer WMS for order information handling & reporting for customer tracking
- In-line quality control and process confirmations available as options:
- Order Weigh Check – Compares actual pre-package weigh check compared to provided data. Confirmation of high-value items (mobile & home tech)
- Image Saving – Takes image of order prior to packaging cell, acts as shipping confirmation
- Print & Apply labels directly after packaging completion
- Labels read after printing to confirm information & final check against order data for the package
- Post packaging sort options to further increase dispatch automation

Sliding Shoe Sorter:
This is probably the most versatile and gentle high-speed sorter design on the market, Capable of sorting bags, small jiffy pacakges through to large boxes all off one design and from feeds containing random size and type distributions.

Swivel Wheel Sorter (SWS):

Pop-up Wheel Sorter (PUR):

John Wilson, Head of Operations, JD Williams
- All sortation systems are Axiom's own designs
- We can advise on which type of system is best for you
- 1500 products per hour capacity
- Part of a complete materials handling solution or stand-alone
Axiom’s Pick & Pack Order Systems in operation...
JD Williams
Unipart Technology Logistics
Retail Replenishment
“The new automated packaging line has given us a significant improvement
in throughput capacity of these single item orders. With the old manual system
we struggled to maintain 200 items per person per hour. We now consistently
achieve a throughput of 1200 items per hour giving us a 15 – 20 percent
John Wilson
Head of Operations
“The Axiom team was especially knowledgeable regarding how
the new process line would interface with the UTL systems – this
was a real plus point in their favour. We knew we wanted a totally
unique solution and Axiom gave us a feeling of confidence that
they knew exactly what they were doing and how they were
going to deliver the end result we were looking for.”
James Hodgetts
Programme Manager
“When we were manually weighing and packing for the retail operation each individual could complete 15 to 20 totes per hour. As a comparison the automated line can achieve 600 totes in an hour. It would take one person 30 hours to manually weigh and process 600 totes – so that has given us a saving of 29 hours.”
Key Benefits
- Running single item orders.
- Addition of marketing material.
- Print on demand of advice notes and paired with the order.
- >1200 packs per hour capability.
- 20% increase in productivity.
- Remote access for on-line support and diagnostics.
Key Benefits
- Integration to Unipart WMS for exchange of data.
- Advice / despatch note printed and paired on demand.
- SIM card feed and logging.
- Tracked throughout the ine.
- Bagged with print & apply shipping label.
- Bagging containing minimum 30% PCR.
Key Benefits
- Multiple items for retail replenishment.
- In-line quality systems to ensure order completion:
- Tote license plate.
- Scanning product onto the tote against customer order.
- Check weight completed tote.
- Auto-lid close.
- Strapping with security code for tamper evidence on delivery.
Axiom’s pick & pack order systems in operation
“The Axiom solution technically appealed to us as the best because of its simplicity and scalability. Fundamentally its key benefits are firstly the speed that we can re-sort products in relation to what it would take a manual team to do it and secondly the accuracy of the sortation.”
Alastair Magee
Finance & IT Director of Lynas Food Service
Key Benefits
- Capable of sorting up to 20,000 products in a single shift
- Handles any shape of product up to 500mm long
- Very accurate sortation driven by barcodes
- Swivel wheel sorters divert product to one of 11 sorter lanes
Axiom’s pick & pack order systems in operation
“The Axiom solution technically appealed to us as the best because of its simplicity and scalability. Fundamentally its key benefits are firstly the speed that we can re-sort products in relation to what it would take a manual team to do it and secondly the accuracy of the sortation.”
Alastair Magee
Finance & IT Director of Lynas Food Service
Key Benefits
- Capable of sorting up to 20,000 products in a single shift
- Handles any shape of product up to 500mm long
- Very accurate sortation driven by barcodes
- Swivel wheel sorters divert product to one of 11 sorter lanes
Learn More About Axiom Pick & Pack Order Processing Solutions
Axiom GB Returns to IntraLogisteX 2025
What Types of Automated Sorter Solutions are Available?
How to avoid bottlenecks in the fulfilment and distribution process
Materials handling solutions for e-commerce warehouses
A materials handling guide to maximise warehouse space
7 Reasons to use sustainable packaging
Axiom GB Returns to IntraLogisteX 2025
What Types of Automated Sorter Solutions are Available?
How to avoid bottlenecks in the fulfilment and distribution process
Materials handling solutions for e-commerce warehouses
A materials handling guide to maximise warehouse space
7 Reasons to use sustainable packaging
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