Axiom GB Ltd manufactures in the UK to our own designs.

Axiom GB increases mail order throughput for Out of Eden

Axiom GB - roller conveyor system

Axiom GB has designed and installed an 18 metre long roller conveyor system alongside 18 packing benches for Out of Eden. Based in Cumbria, Out of Eden is a specialist supplier of hospitality products through mail order deliveries. With a need to increase throughput and efficiencies during the order picking and despatch process, Out of […]

Cost effective strategies for order fulfilment

Axiom GB Ltd is the only UK designer & manufacturer of sortation systems. A PUR (pop-up roller) sorter is especially good for smaller regular boxed shaped packages. Let’s talk…. We’d love to help you solve your materials handling challenges. +44(0)1827 61212

Cost effective strategies for order fulfilment Today there are more individual packages being sorted and shipped than ever before in the history of distribution. Retailers constantly compete to deliver goods to our doorsteps, complete and undamaged, within ever shortening lead-times. Keeping pace with the order fulfilment processes required to facilitate these growing customer demands leads to […]

Four simple solutions to raise warehouse productivity

warehouse automation checklist

Maximising the productivity of your warehouse in a cost effective manner requires a thorough analysis of your current situation and a systematic approach to change. It is well worth the effort because a productive and efficient warehouse is also a profitable one with satisfied customers and motivated staff working in comfortable and safe conditions. 1. […]

E-commerce – how to combat shrinking order lead times

Axiom GB Ltd is a designer & manufacturer of material handling solutions. Pick & Pack Cells are a good way of automating product handling from picking to despatch, including automated feeding of collateral. Let’s talk…. We’d love to help you solve your materials handling challenges. +44(0)1827 61212

Today we live in an ‘I want it and I want it now’ e-commerce world and it is showing no signs of slowing down. Order lead times continue to shrink and having an excellent product to bring to market is no longer a guarantee of future sales. Potential customers are constantly bombarded with online opportunities […]

How to increase your productivity with an industrial conveyor

Axiom GB - industrial conveyor

An industrial conveyor is the centre of any effective materials handling system to increase productivity. Its major operational function is to provide a safe and reliable method of product transportation, reducing the requirement to manually handle products – traditionally a very labour intensive process. Modern modular conveyors are flexible, they can be customised to move […]

A simple guide to the complex world of automatic sorters

automatic sorters

What is an automatic sorter and why do I need one? If your supply chain is coming under increasing pressure to operate even faster and more accurately, then a sortation solution could be the answer to your predicament. An automatic sorter is a cost effective way of sorting and separating high volumes of products into […]

Keeping the customer satisfied – fast, error-free order fulfilment

Axiom GB - order fulfilment - logistics software

It is almost impossible to entirely eliminate all fulfilment errors, but there are a number of simple procedures and practices that you can use to minimise them to an acceptable level. WMS to keep track of technology Controlling and administering the operation of a warehouse or distribution centre is a complex business. Investing in a […]

Automation for Pick, Pack, Sortation and Dispatch – A 10-Point Checklist

warehouse automation checklist

1. Strategy Ensure that automation fits in with your company’s strategic business plan – Have you clearly defined your reasons for automating? 2. Buy-in Consult your fellow directors/partners to make sure everyone is on board with the decision – Determine the amount of money you are prepared to invest and your timeframe 3. Ownership Appoint […]

Axiom GB automates ITO with seven swivel wheel sorters (SWS)

Axiom GB - sortation

Axiom GB has supplied ITO International Transport AS with seven swivel wheel sorters driven by Interroll 24 volt EC310 drive rollers. Based in Oslo, ITO has delivered materials handling solutions to streamline and automate businesses for over 60 years. It is a family owned company that has produced storage and logistics solutions for many industries […]

How to save money by investing in a sortation solution

automated packing inline solution

Automatically placing the right parcel in the right place at the right time for onward dispatch is the job of a sortation solution and to purchase one requires a certain level of capital spending. However, persuading your fellow directors to part with the company’s hard earned profit to invest in this type of equipment shouldn’t […]

Pick, pack, sortation and dispatch – taking people out of the equation

Axiom GB Ltd is a designer & manufacturer of material handling solutions. Pick & Pack Cells are a good way of automating product handling from picking to despatch, including automated feeding of collateral. Let’s talk…. We’d love to help you solve your materials handling challenges. +44(0)1827 61212

One of biggest issues facing online retailers is gearing up their fulfilment centres in preparation for intense sales periods. Such is the demand in these peak periods that there is often insufficient workforce in the environs of the distribution centre and additional workers have to be brought in by bus from neighbouring towns or even […]

Axiom’s Director takes part in Velo Birmingham

On Sunday 24th September one of Axiom’s owners took part in the Velo Birmingham 100 mile bike ride. Matthew Nickson who only started bike riding a couple of years ago completed the riding time in 6 hours 56 minutes, a brilliant achievement. When the ride was over Matthew said he had never done anything like […]